Mar 25, 2021 at 09:37 am —
Crank Load cell Calibration Services

Crank Load cell Calibration Services

Crank load cell is important measuring equipment. It's give user load weight indicator that the load weight doesn't exceed the crank can carry. If false reading were given, safety of the Crank system will fail and unforseen accidents may happen at the site. To prevent such huge damage, loadcell need to be check regularly to ensure the loadcell is performed properly. Using load test machine which ours is machine is traceable to national standards. The load cell will press gradually up to the load cell capability. The load read out by our machine vs the load weight read out by the receiver unit will be judge according to our load methodology standards. Our capability able to calibrate up to 100tons. Brand that we support1. Crosby Straightpoint2. Dynamic Load Monitoring (dlm) 3. JCM Load Monitoring4. Safe-T-Weight5. ScotloadDo contact us for calibration matters.  read more
Mar 23, 2021 at 02:41 pm —
PDCA - How can it help you improve? - Part 4

PDCA - How can it help you improve? - Part 4

With today posting, we come to the end of the PDCA section the ''Action'' section will be discuss. After all the Planning, Doing, Checking, is time to Act. 1. Things going as planned? If so then you should continue. 2. Well, there is some issue or problems, Then need to act on the issue to correct and prevent further issue. 3. Improve the work system. 4. Repeat the solutions that worked. At the end of the fourth phase, the PDCA cycle shall repeat again to seek a continuous improvement in your process. Hope with our posting of PDCA, you have one or two point take home value and learn together with us. Continue to watch our news section for new news, information about our services to offer. read more
Mar 22, 2021 at 09:29 am —
PDCA - How can it help you improve? - Part 3

PDCA - How can it help you improve? - Part 3

Today we come to 3rd phase of PDCA - Check section. In this section, once you have completed your trial, test, or simulation in the Do section, it's time to review and analyse the result of each of the test that you have conducted. This stage is very important because it allows you to evaluate your solution is workable and gave improvement to your process that you intend to improve and also decision making to continue use or revise your plans as necessary. Review the expectations that you have defined in Step 1, to assess whether your idea was a success. During your review of your result, it is important to compare the results between before and after. If the results obtained in the verification section are not satisfactory, it is recommended that you return to the Planning phase to relook and re-plan again. This is the basically the Check section. read more
Mar 20, 2021 at 10:42 am —
PDCA - How can it help you improve? - Part 2

PDCA - How can it help you improve? - Part 2

Today we talk about Part 2 of the PDCA - Do Section. Once we have identified a potential solution, the ''Do'' stage is where we test the proposed or potential solutions or changes. Ideally, this should be test it safely with a small-scale studies. This will show us a quick wheather our proposed changes achieve the desired result without interrupting the rest of your operation and less expensive to undertake as well. After all the test that you have undertake, make sure all the date is collected to be analyser later in the Check Section. Hope you able to run thru your Plan and Do section smoothly in your process. read more
Mar 19, 2021 at 02:51 pm —
PDCA - How can it help you improve? - Part 1

PDCA - How can it help you improve? - Part 1

PDCA stand for Plan Do Check Action Progauge Enterprise team has PDCA implemented in all our businesses. Help most into our business decision making or improvement process. Here we share our knowledge of what we successfully implemented this into our businesses and our life, so that you may benefit with from it. There will be series of the post up in our Website News section side. For today we will talk about the 1st step of PDCA. P – for Plan The planning stage is for mapping out what you are going to do to try to solve a problem or otherwise change a process. During this step, you will identify and analyse the problem or opportunity for change, develop hypotheses for what the underlying issues or causes are, and decide on one hypothesis to test first. This are some of the question we ask during our brainstorming, you may use it to help you in this 1st step of PDCA - Planning stage. What is the core problem we need to solve? Is this the right problem to work on? What information do we need to fully understand the problem and its root cause? Is it feasible to solve it? What resources do we need or have? What are the measures of success? How will the results from a small trial translate to a full-scale implementation? Hope you have something to kick start of using PDCA in your company and process to have continuously improve. read more
Mar 17, 2021 at 11:46 am —
Learn about our company Core Values - Part 3

Learn about our company Core Values - Part 3

This post will come to our last part of our Company Core Value. Our 3rd Core value is Professionalism. There are many ways to gain professionalism in business circle. In ours we lay out 5 Important that needed and they are: Integrity Confidentiality Honest Respect Good Behaviour With above that has layout in our Core Value that has being cascade down into our business circle. read more
Mar 16, 2021 at 10:58 am —
Learn about our company Core Values - Part 2

Learn about our company Core Values - Part 2

Our 2nd Core value is Excellent.  Excellent is about confident to pursuit of highest quality of services Progauge Enterprise offer to customer and what we believe in what we are doing is to serve customer with On Time and persistent commitment in Every Time. read more
Mar 15, 2021 at 09:08 am —
Learn about our company Core Values

Learn about our company Core Values

Progauge Enterprise core value is built from the heart of our business and reflect our company is built upon and has being practised in our day-to-day business for more than 10 Years. These core value has set us to ensures all business conducted is on the same path, working towards a shared end goal throughout the operation of Progauge Enterprise.   Our Core Values are: Innovation – Thinking constantly improving our services to add value into customer and our work life output. Excellent – Deliver excellent of services on time every time. Professionalism – Being technically, competent and upholding 5 ethical standards (Integrity, Confidentiality, Honest, Respect and Good Behaviour) in our business   Today we share our 1st Core Values which is - Innovation. We believe a company to thrive and survive in services market and to be outpace others, it is crucial to be continually innovating and improving in the process. Progauge Enterprise has adapted Lean Management to innovate our way of doing business. New revenue opportunities into specialize equipment calibration, optimising our existing channels by introducing reduction of calibration cost and boosts our calibration services to other sectors of industries to gain new experiences and know how knowledge work together with customer, these are our innovation in our business. By Innovate our way of doing business, we add value not only to our work life, our customer is enjoying service value satisfaction increase as we grow in business. read more
Mar 11, 2021 at 02:22 pm —
Ultraviolet Monitor - Guardian Calibration

Ultraviolet Monitor - Guardian Calibration

Ultraviolet Monitor, model name: Guardian which is manufacturer by Atlantic Ultraviolet Corporation. This type of equipment is widely use in food processing industry. Its function is to measure the UV intensity presence in their process. We did calibration to one of our customers that manufacture drinks and they use it to monitor UV in their systems. We have performed calibration to all types of UV reading meter that widely use in Oil and Gas Industry and this is no foreign to us. “Can Do” attitude by us, has definitely help and feel relieved. Do contact us in 3 Ways method below for any calibration matters: 1. PM us here in Facebook Messenger 2. Whatapps us at +6011-6350 0321 3. Email your query to #calibrations   #calibrationequipment  #calibrationinstrument   #calibrationuvmeter  #CalibrationServices  #calibrationinmalaysia read more
PROGAUGE ENTERPRISE added new video in Equipment Educational
Feb 21, 2021 at 02:40 pm —

How to read Vernier Caliper in mm

This video will help you how to read the Vernier Caliper in millimetres.
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