Apr 17, 2023 at 08:28 am —

Calibrated Pressure Gauge up to 10000PSI

Calibrated and return to one of our customer Oil and Gas company located in East Malaysia. 3 Units of Digital Pressure Gauge 1. Fluke 700G06 - 100PSI 2. Fluke 700G30 - 5000PSI 3. Fluke 700G31 - 10000PSI All 3 unit we calibrate for them. Great to work with them on this equipment. #pressuregauge #flukepressuregauge #fluke700g06 #fluke700g30 #fluke700g31 #flukedigitalpressuregauge #pressuregaugecalibration #fluke #digitalpressuregauge #calibration #progauge #progaugeenterprise
Apr 17, 2023 at 08:27 am —

Supply 3 unit of Refractometer - Atago PAL-1

Deliver 3 unit of Refractometer, to one our regular customer to be use in their water process to monitor quality of water supplying into their process. Is a pocket size and able to carry into their process for a quick water quality inspection. Brand: Atago, Japan Model: PAL-1 Great to work with them on their input and supply the require item to them. #refractometer #Atago #atagojapan #atagopal1 #progauge #progaugeenterprise
Apr 17, 2023 at 08:26 am —

Supply Temperature/Humidity to our regular customer

Delivered 5 units of Temperature/Humidity datalogger to one our regular customer to be use in their clean room process temperature and humidity monitoring. Brand: Center Technology, Taiwan Model: CEN0026H-142H Great to work with them on their input and supply the require item to them. #temperaturehumiditymeters #temperaturehumiditylogger #centertemperaturehumiditymeter #cen0026h #progauge #progaugeenterprise #centertechnology
Apr 17, 2023 at 08:24 am —

Calibrated two Pressure Gauge for Oil & Gas Transporter

Calibrate this two pressure gauge, one is dial and one is digital. Calibrate to the max both of the pressure gauge can handle. One of local transporter oil and gas mover using this to check their valve system. Calibrated up to 140psi. Great to work with this equipment. #pelicanpressurerelivevalvetester #pelicanworldwide #pressuregaugecalibration #pressuregauge #pelicanpressuregauge #progauge #progaugeenterprise #calibration
Apr 17, 2023 at 08:23 am —

On-Site Calibration Oven

Performing on-site oven calibration in our customer factory. Calibration with 9 position inside the oven to obtain the temperature various area. Brand: Memmert Calibration up to 200°C (As per customer request) Great to have work with customer for this on-site calibration. #onsitecalibration #onsiteovencalibration #memmert #memmertoven #memmerovencalibration #progauge #progaugeenterprise
Apr 17, 2023 at 08:22 am —

Supply 5 Meters 5 Section Leveling Staff

Supplying this Leveling Staff to one of construction company. 5 Meters 5 Section Aluminum Leveling Staff, comes with bubble attached the leveling staff to positing the staff correctly while measuring the height of the construction. Front measure in millimeters and the back is in E mode with measuring also in millimeters Work well to them as they feedback. Great to work with them on their requirement input and supply the needed to them. #LevelingStaff #constructionsequipment #levelingstaff5meter
Apr 17, 2023 at 08:21 am —

Verification two mBar Pressure Gauge for End User

Performing and checking verification on this two pressure gauge for one end user. WIKA and RUGGER Pressure Gauge measure in mbar range. Overall the WIKA is workable and we proceed to calibrate for them. As for the RUGGER suffer failure at the mechanism, needle not able to return back to zero. Another customer satisfaction earned from them on our services. #pressuregauge #wikapressuregauge #ruggerpressuregauge #wikaen837 #wikambar #ruggermbar #mbarpressuregauge #pressuregaugescalibration #calibrationpressuregauge
Apr 17, 2023 at 08:20 am —

Calibrated various equipment for Oil and Gas Customer

Calibrated below equipment for one of our customer in Oil and Gas Industries. Below is the equipment that we calibrated for them: 1. 1 unit of Torque Wrench Genius 380110N (20~110Nm) 2. 4 units of Digital Multimeter - Kyoritsu 1009 3. 1 unit of Digital PSC-Loop Tester - Kyoritsu 4118A 4. 1 unit of AC/DC Clamp Meter - Kyoritsu 2003A 5. 1 unit of Leakage Clamp Meter - Fluke 360 6. 1 unit of Digital Light Meter - Kyoritsu 5202 Is a great to work with them on this equipment by checking the condition of the equipment and overall is in good condition thus enable them to use their equipment in their Oil and Gas field with safe in mind. Another customer satisfaction earned. #Kyoritsu1009 #kyoritsu4118A #kyoritsu2003a #kyoritsu5202 #geniustorquewrench #kyoritsuclampmeter #kyoritsupsclooptester #fluke #fluke360 #flukeleakageclampmeter #kyoritsulightmeter #progaugeenterprise #progauge #calibration #calibrationmalaysia #oilandgas
Apr 17, 2023 at 08:18 am —

Calibrated Light Meter for Medical Industries

Returning customer with their Light Meter for re-calibration purposes. Thanks for their trust and confidence in seeking us to re-calibrate their light meter. This light meter uses in Medical Industries. Brand: Gigahertz Optik Great to work with them again. Looking forward to work with this equipment in future re-calibration. #lightmeter #lightmetercalibration #gigahertzoptik #gigahertzoptikcalibration #calibration #progauge #progaugeenterprise
Apr 17, 2023 at 08:17 am —

Supply 2046A Dial Indicator

Deliver another Dial Indicator Gauge Mitutoyo product to one of our customer in Engineering production. Mitutoyo dial gauge has being famous with their superior quality measurement product. Model: 2046A Range: 10mm x 0.01mm Great to supply them quality product to them. With quality product, measurement can be obtain without any doubtful mindset by their staff. #mitutoyo #mitutoyojapan #mitutoyodialindicator #mitutoyo2046a #progaugeenterprise
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