Aug 4, 2023 at 10:19 am —

Calibrated Pressure Gauge

Calibrated and returned to one of our customer in oil and gas transportation. 6 units of 63mm size pressure gauge. Calibration in psi. Calibration to the maximum the gauge can read. Great to work with them on calibration services. #pressuregaugecalibration #accuratereadings #pressuregaugecalibrationservices #gaugecalibration #accuratereadings #precisionmatters #calibratedforperformance #wellcalibratedgauges #measurewithconfidence #calibrationsolutions #gaugeaccuracy #bettercalibrationbetterresults #pressuregauge
Aug 4, 2023 at 10:18 am —

Restoring Mitutoyo measuring equipment

Restoring Mitutoyo measuring equipment for one of our regular customers uses this equipment to measure their products. Is another cost saving measure taken by the company. We work together with them on their cost saving project for almost a year now. The outcome of this project has been successful gaining saving for them and at the same time our knowledge of restoration equipment increases. 6 Units of Mitutoyo Digital Indicator - 0-12.7mm (543-792B) 5 units of Mitutoyo Digital Caliper 0-150mm (500-196-30) 1 Unit of Mitutoyo Digital Micrometer - 0-25mm (293-340-30) Great to work with them! #mitutoyo #mitutoyoindicator #mitutoyo543792b #progauge #restoration #restorationgauge #restoreindicator #progaugeenterprise #mitutoyocaliperrestored #mitutoyomicrometerrestored #mitutoyo50019630 #mitutoyo29334030 #restoretools #restoreindustrialmeasurement #mitutoyoequipmentrestoration
Aug 4, 2023 at 10:18 am —

On-Site Oven Calibration - Brand Memmert

Performing on-site calibration to the oven at Medical Manufacturing customer. This is to ensure our customer oven is operating at the right temperature for the required duration. Brand: Memmert Model: UF-160 Calibration up to 300°C #memmertoven #memmertovencalibration #memmertuf160 #calibrationoven #industrialcalibration #reliablecalibration #progauge #progaugeenterprise
Aug 4, 2023 at 10:16 am —

Supplies Swagelok in-line filter

Helping our customer by supplying high quality of in-line filter to their water filtering system. Inline filters by Swagelok, with sintered elements fitted inside size of 60micron. Great to work with customer on their input and turn into output. #swagelok #swagelokinlinefilter #swagelokss6fmm60 #swagelokusa #inlinefilter #progauge #progaugeenterprise
Aug 4, 2023 at 10:14 am —

Calibrated two unit of Thickness Gage

Calibrated two unit of Thickness Gage for one of our customers in plastic manufacturer industries. Brand: Mitutoyo Model: 547-401 Calibration range: 0-12.5mm x 0.001mm Thanks for the trust and confidence in providing accurate and reliable calibration services for their thickness gage. Ensuring that both equipment is calibrated to the standards meets the necessary compliance records. Contact us for any of calibration services. #thicknessgagecalibration #precisioncalibration #qualitycontrol #manufacturingcalibration #accuratecalibration #mitutoyothicknessgauge #mitutoyo547401 #plasticmanufacturer #plasticindustry #calibration #thicknessgageaccuracy #progauge #progaugeenterprise
Aug 4, 2023 at 10:10 am —

Calibrate Kyoritsu for one of Electrician Company

Calibrated Kyoritsu equipment for one of electrician company. Insulation meter - 3005A Clamp meter - 2017 Great to work with them on this equipment. #Kyoritsu #kyoritsumeter #kyoritsumeterjapan #kyoritsu3005a #kyoritsu2017 #kyoritsuclampmeter #kyoritsuinsulationtester #kyoritsuToolsCalibrated #reliablequipmentcalibration #calibrationforconfidence #kyoritsucalibrationservices
Aug 4, 2023 at 10:09 am —

Calibrate Weighing scale for Chemical Industry Customer

Calibrated this weighing scale for one of our customers in Chemical Industries. Trusting imprecise readings could result in costly mistake. Scale is important to ensure accurate measurements. 3 unit of 3kg 3 unit of 5kg 2 unit of 30kg Great to work with them on our calibration services. Thanks for their trust and confidence in our services. #calibrationweighingscale #calibrationscale #calibration #calibrationmatters #scalecalibration #weightrightcalibration #chemicalindustries #progauge #progaugeenterprise
Jun 14, 2023 at 06:34 pm —

Calibrated Electrical Measuring Equipment for Medical Sectors

Calibrated this electrical measuring equipment for one of medical sectors. Is crucial for them to have such quality measuring equipment to maintaining medical equipment. This is what we help them on calibration ensure there is no risk of getting inaccurate readings. Below is the equipment that we calibrated for them: 1. 1 unit of Digital Multimeter - Kyoritsu 1009 2. 5 units of AC/DC Clamp Meter - Kyoritsu 2117R 5. 1 unit of Insulation-Continuity Tester - Kyoritsu 3005A 6. 1 unit of Digital Earth Tester - Kyoritsu 4105A Is a great to work with them on this equipment by checking the condition of the equipment and overall is in good condition thus enable them to use their equipment in their Medical field with safe in mind. #Kyoritsu1009 #kyoritsu4105A #kyoritsu2117R #kyoritsu3005A #kyoritsuclampmeter #kyoritsuinsulationtester #kyoritsuearthtester #progaugeenterprise #progauge #calibration #calibrationmalaysia #medicalindustry #kyoritsutoolscalibrated #calibratedforconfidence #kyoritsucalibrationservices
Jun 14, 2023 at 06:33 pm —

Calibrated Pressure Gauge

3 unit of Pressure Gauge calibrated for one of our return customers in transportation of oil and gas. Use it on their tankers to monitor pressure. Thanks again for their trust and confidence in our quality services again. #GaugeCalibration #AccurateReadings #PrecisionMatters #CalibratedForPerformance #WellCalibratedGauges #MeasureWithConfidence #CalibrationSolutions #GaugeAccuracy #BetterCalibrationBetterResults #wikapressuregauge #wika #pressuregauge #WikaPressureGaugeCalibration
Jun 14, 2023 at 06:32 pm —

Calibrated 35T and 55T loadcell

Delivery both boxes back to our regular customer that has being working with us for numbers of years on their loadcell calibration. 1. Crank Crosby Loadcell - 35 Tons 2. Shackle Crosby Loadcell - 55 Tons Great to work with them and serve them. Thanks for their trust and confidence in our services. #loadcell #loadcellcalibration #crankloadcell #crankcorsbyloadcell #shackleloadcell #shacklecrosbyloadcell #progauge #progaugeenterprise #crosbyloadcell
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